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Lying Awake At Night

Are you also lying awake at night many times?

Thoughts going around and around in your head without going anywhere? Sleepless although you know that you haven’t had enough sleep in days and yet you are WIDE AWAKE.

I have had more days, or better nights, like that then I can count and I’m sure you have had as well. My wish would be that there is a simple solution but the only one I know of is to bring in the light.

How do you do that?

Since I was a little child I would close my eyes and I would ask my dad for help. Now many of you know that my father died when I was 6. He was my go to person in need while he was alive and it didn’t change after he was dead.

I firmly believe that when we die, we just change form but our soul is still around and right now during this time in history I can tangible feel my ancestors and their presence and help. They are here to support and bring us into the light.

So on nights like tonight when it is 4 AM and no more sleep, I close my eyes and I ask for guidance. With every breath in I envision light is filling my body and with every breath out darkness and worry leaves my body. I make sure my out breath is a little slower and longer then my in breath. After getting calmer with each breath I start to see a beautiful world in my mind’s eye. A world filled with people in community and loving kindness. With potlucks and kids playing.

With laughter and nature.

With all of you smiling.

The light is here, we just need to embrace it and welcome it into our hearts and souls. It is the antidote to the darkness that is trying to convince us it is real and yet a single match can erase the darkness!

Together we can light up the world and together we are not just a match being lit, together we are the Church of the RAGING LIGHT! 🌟♥️🙏

Breath deeply and sleep well my beautiful sisters and brothers the LIGHT IS HERE!

I love you all dearly♥️

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Eve Roissy
Eve Roissy
Nov 01, 2021

I know a LOT of people who suddenly cannot sleep - or who are sleeping 2 hours, then waking up! I think it is the 5G. I have been near sleepless since a tower went up near me. The only thing that has helped me is some of Matt Landman's anti-EMF gear, so I want to remind everyone about! It helps!


Oct 31, 2021

so appropriate....with the sun flares happening, and the night of Halloween, the energy is intense on our minds & bodies. I too, lost my dad at the age of 7 to divorce. Left the country two years later to become refugees, and did not see him again until he was in his 90's. at least i saw him once again before he passed on. but grew up without having the male mentorship/relationship. It sure affects us females when it comes to partnering. so now, sleep is difficult as i age. I stay up late, and wake up a few hours after i fall asleep. then, i sleep in til 10AM when my dog forces me to get out of bed…


Oct 31, 2021

Every night the same thing my head spins with thoughts never sleep through the night a pin would wake me up horrid dreams but I still get up and go do what I have to do My kids are what keeps me going and my animals

Thank you Claudia sending you ❤️ and prayers to you and your family


Oct 31, 2021

Staying focused on the light....calling it in.....creating a high intentional field.,,,,creating the life of our choosing. Yesterday, we had a large neighborhood potluck out in our front yard. Lots of laughter, children playing, connecting, embracing. We are proceeding and leading with joy now..... after a very tough year+. It is a intentional turning. Turning towards what we really want to create now....and away from media driven fear. I too have had a year of waking at 3-4am. It has taken a while to settle my nervous system. (I am now sleeping through the night mostly) Those of us who are highly sensitive could/can feel it all. I too called on the light....many, many nights.(breath work really helped me as well…


About Me


Born and raised in Germany yet I have made the USA my home since September of 1992. I live in Vermont with the most wonderful man, my husband Erhard, who is also a Trustee of the Church of the Raging Light, and our many rescue animals. 
Love and Nature are our guiding lights and we can see god in all living beings.

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