An Unstoppable MOVEMENT Whose Time Has Come!
It started slow,
It started about 18 months ago,
It started with only a few people!
An idea who's time has come is unstoppable and that time is now!
18 months ago only a few people gathered to stand for their freedom and the freedom of all people. They were the crazies the ones with theories about conspiring and the outsiders but they were persistent and kept shouting from the rooftops about the rights that were slowly eroded.
One and a half years later we are millions and MILLIONS! And I can tell you I am not exaggerating! In Germany they are now gathering on a daily basis in even the small towns and and small cities where I grew up, they are out and TAKING WALKS TOGETHER!
The other side was trying to stop it with police force and intimidation but I forgot who said it "there is nothing more dangerous than a man who has nothing to lose" and that is were many of those wonderful people are at. By not "playing along" they are in danger of losing their jobs, aren't allowed to go to restaurants, movies, stores (except groceries and pharmacies but only with a current test), can't travel. Many have to test DAILY to keep their jobs.
This is the ultimate make lemonade out of lemons story!
The protests started out of despair and anger but they are metamorphosing into street parties. They are transforming into a work of love and beauty, like I have never seen before. And since the jabless aren't allowed to do anything else they are taking the fun to the streets! The interesting part is that many who did play along one or twice or even three times, are fed up as well and they are JOINING US! They are not only seeing the lies but also the LIGHT that is shinning so brightly from the eyes of the people in the streets, from the kids that are allowed to play and be kids, and from the warriors of love.
Never in my lifetime have I seen anything more beautiful than what is happening right now.
Never have I seen more people uniting and joining in love and kindness.
Never have I seen more people waking up to their inner power and strength.
Everything that was planned by the clown show is imploding!
They completely underestimated the POWER of LOVE and what happens when the LIGHT STARTS RAGING!
I love you all dearly! Claudia
PS: We now have a youtube channel where we will do regular meditations (trying for once a week live so please subscribe so you can join us) and other segments to promote love, kindness and joy! Here is the link:
I am power...I am balance...I am presence...I am light...I am love...I am kindness...I am strong. Live each day to the fullest. 💕💕💕
Thank you Claudia, you fill the heart with love and light. Your spirit of life would be the only reason to come back in physical form to feel the love amongst all the living. We the targeted sheeple, need to find internet platforms of freedom and build a community and starve evil of our cash. All transhumanist sites need to be avoided, when possible. The talk of humanity entering the Aquarian Age is always coming but never here but for the Transhumanist plan, Pluto, spirit of destruction and imprisonment, will enter Aquarius April 2023. Transhumanist Aquarian Age is back to being enslaved by the empire of Geeks and Control Freaks. fyi... I learned in the newly released book, The Last…