Elected Family
All of us have experienced to be away from our families one way or another. I left my birth country almost 30 years ago and because of it, I have only seen my family very little.
Over the years I have had several people or groups of people, that were so close to my heart and I am still in touch with them although distance plays a role that I haven't seen some of them in decades it seems.
During this time, and I am talking about the last 2 years almost, families have been torn apart by this situation we are in. So many people have completely different viewpoints and sibling, parents, children, cousins and aunts, all are dealing with the plandemic in different ways. Some insist on getting the shot, others would never get it at any cost and all that is playing out within families. I myself feel that I have lost 2 people in my family to the jab and frankly I am terrified for them and have been mourning deeply when I heard that that got the injection.
I know that most of you understand where I am coming from and have very similar feelings for the situation and your loved ones. We are certainly not alone in this!
But on to brighter things, our ELECTED FAMILIES!
During this very challenging time, so many of us have found a new family. A family of misfits and black sheep. We have all been the rebels and the truth tellers, the ones who have asked the questions and the ones who still believe in and KNOW that we can trust our intuition. We have been ostracized, ridiculed and slandered but we know the truth and we know our tribe.
We have found each other and over the last 18 months we have become family. I myself and my husband have met so many amazing people and a few have become real family. My dear friend Betsy, her husband and kids. My sister in arms Debbie, who many of you know, and her partner are part of our new family and other as well.
Family comes in many forms and not necessarily only through blood.
The other day I said to 6 year old Fozzi, Betsy's son, that he was my little friend. He stopped and stood right in front of me, looking me right in the eye and said: I am not your friend, you are mama's sister and that makes you my FAMILY.
By joining our Church of the Raging Light, you have instantly also become part of our ever-growing family of likeminded people who prefer Love over Power and Truth over Money.
I love you all dearly and I know that one day in the not so far distance we will be able to get together and celebrate a family reunion of the Light and Love that we all are! Don't lose faith, we are family!

I am so glad I joined ! I’ve been searching for so long and especially now in these crazy times ! I’m going through so much as a single parent , trying to keep my son in school but they keep pushing the vaccine on me ! I live in Waitsfield Vt. Please anyone who’s out there close to me reach out ! I’d love to chat :)
You are my family I have my 3 young kids my dad and my grandparents my friends have called me ignorant stupid crazy i could add a few more but I won’t I love you Claudia and your family. Thank you for your words from the heart. Tell Debbie I said hi and I understand why she chose to stop speaking the truth and thank her for me for all she did
love to all
Thank you dear Claudia. The timing is perfect. Sometimes family turn on each other in a time of great conflict. This is, well, kinda unwise and a poor use of energy. We, the enlightened ones, should be hanging on to each other now. Don't let anyone go. When I am being savagely and unfairly attacked by my brother or sister, what I find helpful is Ho'opono pono. It's an ancient Polynesian Healing Prayer. It is basically 3 parts: Repentance (I am sorry), Forgiveness (I forgive you), and Gratitude (I am grateful for this experience). Another key part is to accept the ENTIRE responsibility for the conflict upon oneself. This is said to be THE MOST POWERFUL healing prayer. It sends…
The past 2 years have been difficult for me as I have been living in Saratoga Springs, NY where I raised my 3 children. Two of the 3 live in upstate VT (one in Burlington and the other in Randolph). I've actually been trying to move closer to them for @ 3-4 years but housing has been an issue. I have also lost my position teaching nursing students in NY due to mandates but feel very strongly as do others in the profession. Hard to think that after 45 years in nursing my skills are not valued any more. This month I am finally moving to Shelburne and pray to find my like minded family there as well. We all…
Thank you for including me in your extended family circle. I do hope to meet some day in person. Until then, much love.