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Every Life Matters Deeply

We are often led to believe that we don't matter.

That is a BIG FAT LIE!!!

We were all born as beautiful babies filled with awe and wonder. A miracle coming to life, yes each one of you reading this right now. Some of you might be lonely or alone and are thinking "my life has no meaning, what I do doesn't matter..." but is that really the truth? I don't think so!

Life goes in cycles and there are times when we feel utterly useless and at other times we feel that we changed somebody's life. The problem is our ego and our programming which tells us only how insignificant we are and that we don't matter.

Have you ever made somebody smile?

Have you ever lend a helping hand?

Have you ever made a meal for somebody else? Have you ever pet an animal?

Have you ever...

The list is endless and when you sit down and think of all the times you have made another's life just a tiny bit better, I bet you, you could fill books not just pages.

Every single day is a new beginning and when I look at my mom, who is now pretty much housebound and her interactions with other people is extremely limited, she is still trying to have fun with the nurses that come every day and just the family who is close by. Even on the phone when we talk almost daily, we laugh a lot of the time and she is still trying to spread good cheer, even thought there isn't that much to cheer about in other people's eyes.

Sometimes we think of other people as the ones having all the fun and having a great life but what about me? But the truth is that those people, you know those happy bastards who always smile, have chosen that! They, at one point, have decided that the glass is half full and that life will always have challenges but it will go the other way again too.

YOUR LIFE MATTERS so much more than you can ever imagine. What would happen if we would start every day with the idea that we hopefully get the opportunity to spread some love? Can you for just a moment envision a planet where that is everyone's guiding light? "If we can see it in our mind, we can see it in our life"

Lots of Love and endless Blessings to all of you!

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Born and raised in Germany yet I have made the USA my home since September of 1992. I live in Vermont with the most wonderful man, my husband Erhard, who is also a Trustee of the Church of the Raging Light, and our many rescue animals. 
Love and Nature are our guiding lights and we can see god in all living beings.

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