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Fear Porn

We are surrounded by it day in and day out and it starts early in life, if we let it be a part of our existence. Kids are either being told that they are amazing at everything or good for nothing by their parents most of the time. One extreme to another and neither is conducive to becoming a balanced human being.

Growing up isn't easy to start out with but nowadays, due to the power of TV, Computer and incredible Peer Pressure, it is harder then ever. But not only kids and adolescents are exposed to the constant fear porn disguised as advertisement or fact, adults are as well. People are afraid or anything and everything but it truly doesn't have to be this way.

The main reason we are stuck in fear is that we have surrendered our power to people of "authority". Teachers, priests, government officials, corporations, doctors and so on.


Yes it is yours, and we have enormous power, more than you can imagine at this point in time, if you are part of the fear porn crowd, BUT that is about to change.

Consider this sentence for a moment: We get more of what we focus on!

If we focus on the sadness, devastation and fear, we will get more of it.

If we focus on the life we would like to live, we will get more of that! The universe will give you what you want and I have many examples of that in my life, positive as well as negative ones. I used to live in fear and victim mode and my life was getting worse by the day it seamed. But all the universe was doing was giving me opportunities to work out my fears and worries by giving me chances to work on them. I certainly wasn't seeing it that way at the time, I can assure you.

Recently I had another opportunity to work on old stuff. My fear started to feed on itself and kept growing UNTIL I looked at it from every single angle with the help of my dear friend Jorie, who some of you might know.

She is a sun, not just a light, in this world and I have the great privilege to know her. A sister of the soul.

We went through all my fears, my grief, my hatred and my sadness, to work towards the other side of it all. It took a couple of hours of deep sobbing and purging but boy when you make it to JOY, HAPPINESS and LOVE it is all worth it.

I regained my innate power, that WE ALL HAVE, and the fear porn that is bombarding us all the time, lost all its grip on me. You can't just look away, you need to go through it deeply so it loses its power over you.

If the things that are going on in your life and in the world are getting to heavy for your beautiful heart, step away and focus on gratitude, focus on the beauty in your life, go into nature and if all else fails, call Jorie and "Climb the Scale" with her. She helps people finding their love for living (at least that is what I believe of her) and she is great at it. I usually NEVER promote businesses here but if you would like to get in touch with her you can find her at

I love you all dearly and I hope you will turn off all electronics for a while, it will create miracles for your beautiful soul!

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Born and raised in Germany yet I have made the USA my home since September of 1992. I live in Vermont with the most wonderful man, my husband Erhard, who is also a Trustee of the Church of the Raging Light, and our many rescue animals. 
Love and Nature are our guiding lights and we can see god in all living beings.

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