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Spiritual Bankruptcy!

The crux of the problem on planet earth!

Let me just preface that I believe that it is every person’s own business what they choose to believe in, as long as they keep it to themselves and don’t try to convince anybody else of their beliefs because that is where the trouble usually starts!

If I would have to put my life philosophy into one word it would be KARMA!

Oh how I love karma when good things happen to me and I tell myself I deserve this since I was oh so good. Oh how I hate karma when shitty things happen to me and I tell myself that I don’t deserve this and this must be just random and not really karma although I know better inside my head and heart! If karma would be instant the world we live in would be absolute heaven. Think about it, imagine you slap somebody in the face and immediately you get slapped in the face also. Seriously take a moment and think this out...

Unfortunately karma isn’t always instant but it never fails...

We have forgotten how to behave, even if it would only be for selfish reasons. The idea of cause and effect has become a foreign concept in this speed driven world. We have been sold on the idea that more is better and new is even better still. The idea that we need to go to a job for many hours a week so we can buy food, which we should be growing, buy a big house, which we should have built, and a big car, ok I will give you the car ☺ Seriously we have it all ass backwards! We have exchanged all the things that are important and nourishing to our soul for things that are absolute soul suckers. We have exchanged real life communities, where people get together and help each other, for smart devices that keep us isolated and in a controlled cyber world with mind control. People are feeling more isolated and lonely than ever before and yet we supposedly have the world at our fingertips.

We have every food produced on the planet basically within a mile of our homes at a store and yet people don’t know how to cook a pot of soup or a stir-fry any more. Most of all we have as a people become numb to the suffering of others. I believe one reason is that regular human beings have been suffering themselves so much while simultaneously being desensitized by the Lame Stream Media.

What we need is time to contemplate and to just let our thoughts go. You know, daydreaming and being bored!

We need time off from everything and time to literally just smell the roses. We have been sold on the idea that if people have a couple weeks of vacation they have a good job. WTF! That is not a good job, it is slavery! Who sold us on this lie? We should be working for about 4 hours a day producing our food and shelter and the rest of the day we should be laying in the grass, playing music, reading books, doing yoga, going swimming, going skiing, you get the idea!

Lets work on changing that mindset and life will become magical...

Change your values and you will change your life and your entire world around you ❤️🙏🌟

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Born and raised in Germany yet I have made the USA my home since September of 1992. I live in Vermont with the most wonderful man, my husband Erhard, who is also a Trustee of the Church of the Raging Light, and our many rescue animals. 
Love and Nature are our guiding lights and we can see god in all living beings.

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