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The Power Of Cleansing

Most people are probably thinking of cleansing the body. Taking a bath, a shower or swimming in nature, standing under a waterfall or simply my muddy pond.

But when we cleanse we need to go deeper. The body has many toxins stored from years of eating less than perfect foods, living in toxic environments or having been exposed to pathogens some other way. There are truly so very many ways to cleanse but I have to say my personal preferred method is simply fasting. When I do, I only drink water or I do the so called master cleanse a.k.a. lemonade diet. Basically you start expelling all the toxins stored up inside of you. It feels incredibly good and you will start feeling more alert and energized after a few days. However there are many ways to detox and you will have to find the right one for you. Saunas are also a divine way to eliminate all the unwanted things from your body. In the winter it is amazing to sit in a sauna and sweat, dripping and cleansing deeply. The interesting part about it is that the first few times you might notice that there is a strong smell but it goes away after a few times. Yes toxins smell bad! Dry brushing and exfoliating with my husbands used coffee grounds is also something I really enjoy and benefit from it seems.

Now to the most important part of Cleansing!!! Cleansing of the MIND!

We regularly have to go through all the hatred, animosity, resentment, grief, depression and fear that has accumulated in our mind and soul and get rid of it. My favorite ways of doing that is to either right them all down or say them out loud. Literally let them have it. Don't hold back! But do it alone or with a trusted friend. Speak it all, speak your truth and purge the negativity! The only way out is through!

You have to face your fears, worries, hate in order to let them go. Moving into the light takes courage and determination. After facing your fear it takes to say NO to them and not let them get a hold of you so easily again. It also takes watching your mind like a hawk to make sure they don't just infiltrate like unwanted visitors. That is where taking time in peace for a few minutes every day to watch them. You will be surprised what you will see when you pay attention. So many negative thoughts coming and going but once you know, you can tell them to take a hike!

The mental-emotional-soul cleansing takes usually a little longer and will need to be redone from time to time (daily would be best to check in for a few minutes), but then again you don't just take a shower once in a lifetime either :)

Happy Cleansing to our wonderful tribe!

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Born and raised in Germany yet I have made the USA my home since September of 1992. I live in Vermont with the most wonderful man, my husband Erhard, who is also a Trustee of the Church of the Raging Light, and our many rescue animals. 
Love and Nature are our guiding lights and we can see god in all living beings.

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