The Time is NOW!
Many people have dabbled around in growing food a little bit, some for many years, some for decades. I grew up on a little farm with a few cows, some chickens, ducks and a big veggie garden. There were a few fruit trees and we would go in the woods every year to collect berries. Mostly blueberries, which my mom would can so we had some for the winter. We also had a potato field and a wheat/rye field. In essence we produced almost all of our food ourselves. Our family didn't really have much money so if we didn't grow food, we didn't eat.
It was hard work but so satisfying and the food was delicious and nutritious. Usually when it was time to harvest the potatoes all the relatives would get together. So for days we would all pick potatoes. First on our field, then my aunt Rosemary's field and so on. It always included big lunches with everybody who came and was so much FUN! It was community!
In the last few decades many people lost their connection to food and nature. The grocery stores have become too convenient and the prices too cheep to do the work yourself. But for convenience and price we have sacrificed so much. Quality and self reliance! Both are becoming exceedingly more important by the day.
If you have never grown food before NOW is a great time to start. There are so many wonderful books available and is a publisher who specializes somewhat on natural living. I purposely don't send you to youtube or other online outlets because a book in hand is worth more then a thousand youtube channels when the lights go out.
I don't want to instill fear because it is the enemy of love but food shortages are coming and they are coming quickly. You can only store so much and then what? Please buy non-perishable food and have that at home but at the same time buy seeds! Buy heirloom seeds and organic seeds. You will be able to save seeds again from those plants and this way you will never run out of seeds again.
Start a compost pile, nature does all the work for you and soon you will have black gold a.k.a. soil out of your food scraps and leaves or grass clippings.
The joy and happiness you will experience from watching a tiny seed grow to become a plant that will nourish you is unparalleled and the feeling of independence and accomplishment will motivate you to do more every day. Even indoors you can grow in grow bags and pots. There are so many ways to supply your own food. Wild food is also a big part of our diet and wild medicines are the only ones we use around here.
The Time is NOW!
Do not wait!
Get books and seeds and the rest will be half as much trouble.
Get together with like minded people and have them teach you.
Visit farms and ask them whether you can help in exchange for some of the crops.
The Time is truly NOW!!!

Thank you Claudia.
Thank you for your beautiful spirit for life and example. I thought I was ready but after losing my small farm in 2006, I finally got to plant a few veggies in 2021 which won't be enough. Karma, is it real? The $3.5 Trillion BBB is for government expansion, soon old trouble maker voices will be taken to the hospital, seems Karma has kept me tied to another plan. I just wonder will it be another Holodomor? The good news is I discovered a vine of Sun Flowers growing, or Mourning Glories, and I got some natural seeds outside of the GMO industry.